sangat la over title entri kalo ni kan?

skali skale ape salahnyer..normal la kalo orang bercintan cintun..berkasih sayang ni..

ok2..straight to d point jer la..actually this is referring to my new perfume present by 'him'.ehem..ehem..

last 2 days..after penat bekeje..jln2 at klcc with hubby and my adik2. skali ade satu brand perfume ni which i like of course!! try punyer try..check mate! i choose this one. taraaaa!!!!

price..sooo..sooo.. la.. tak de less mane pon..cume yg bestnyer ade byk free gift which is rarely can get except during promotion or sales. tengkiu to 'him' for this 'Tresor In Love from Lancome'. I love it so much. the smell..the sweet..

Ape-ape pon i mmg suke ngan perfume nih..perfect for me