Rase skejap jer weekend baru ni. Mr hubby was away. Off to Kelantan & Penang. Me? Spending my own time with my own schedule :)


Went off for 3rd Week WLC measurement around 11 am. A bit worried coz I didn't workout at all and not really following the diet as my coach ask me to do. Tawakkal jer..hopefully my weight won't be increase. Arrived the place and measurement session took place.

Measuring my body..gemoknyer saye :(

I'm sooo lucky that day. Here's the measurement result:

Weight: 66.9kg (-0.6kg)
body fat: 40.1 (+0.2)
Chest: 88 cm (-0.5cm)
Waist: 91 cm (-3cm)
Hip: 106 cm (-2cm)
Thigh: 61 cm (-2cm)
Arm: 31 cm (-0.5cm)

Unbelievable!! Only 1 is increasing.. boley tahan gak minum shake herbalife nih..Kire ok la for me yg susah sgt2 nk control my diet. After this will make make sure that I will be more serious in controlling my diet. I MUST achieve my target!

Me with my coach, Angel

This week session theme is cartoon actually. but my attire doesn't match the theme at all. not only me actually. only 2 groups exactly follow the theme. And like last session..purple theme win the point again for this week. congratulations to them.

winning team of the week

Next session will be on 8th January next year which is about 3 weeks from now. Should perform really big difference on that day. hmm...i must say 'I HAVE TO'. and next session theme will be black & white. No need to think about it now..besides the attire for black & white is quite easy to find rite?

Laura & Angel

With other participants

Session ended ard 3pm..cont in part 2 ;)